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8020 Graz
Die Suchen wurden großteils über durchgeführt (Stand 2011).
Health Literacy and Willingness to Use Online Health Information by Teens with Asthma and Diabetes. Deena J Chisolm et al.. Telemed J E Health (2011) PMID 21943161. Teens with lower health literacy searched online for health information as often as peers with higher literacy, but were less likely to express the intent to use recommended sites. Belief in the usefulness of a Web site is the strongest attitudinal predictor of intended future use....
Health Literacy Explains Racial Disparities in Diabetes Medication Adherence. Chandra Y Osborn et al.. J Health Commun 16(sup3):268-278 (2011) PMID 21951257. We explored the predicted pathways between racial status, health literacy, diabetes-related numeracy, general numeracy, and adherence to diabetes medications. After adjustment for covariates, African American race was associated with poor medication adherence (r = -0.10, p < .05).
Health Literacy and Health Care Spending and Utilization in a Consumer-Driven Health Plan. Nancy A Hardie et al.. J Health Commun 16(sup3):308-321 (2011) PMID 21951260. We examined health literacy and health care spending and utilization by linking responses of three health literacy questions to 2006 claims data of enrollees new to consumer-driven health plans (n = 4,130). Better health literacy on all four health literacy measures (three item responses and their...
The Process-Knowledge Model of Health Literacy: Evidence from a Componential Analysis of Two Commonly Used Measures."I Cried Because I Didn't Know if I Could Take Care of Him": Toward a Taxonomy of Interactive and Critical Health Literacy as Portrayed by Caregivers of Children with Special Health Care Needs. Kris Pizur-Barnekow et al.. J Health Commun 16(sup3):205-221 (2011) PMID 21951253. We conducted focus group interviews with 35 caregivers of children who had significant medical needs. Caregiver quotes were coded and categorized and then compared to the Revised Blooms Taxonomy. The purpose of the analysis was to better understand the interactive and critical health literacy skills...
Osborn CY, Paasche-Orlow MK, Bailey SC, & Wolf MS. (2011) The mechanisms linking health literacy to behavior and health status. American journal of health behavior, 35(1), 118-28. PMID: 20950164
Wolf MS, Curtis LM, Waite K, Bailey SC, Hedlund LA, Davis TC, Shrank WH, Parker RM, & Wood AJ. (2011) Helping patients simplify and safely use complex prescription regimens. Archives of internal medicine, 171(4), 300-5. PMID: 21357804
Wolf MS, Davis TC, Bass PF, Curtis LM, Lindquist LA, Webb JA, Bocchini MV, Bailey SC, & Parker RM. (2010) Improving prescription drug warnings to promote patient comprehension. Archives of internal medicine, 170(1), 50-6. PMID: 20065199
Wolf MS, Davis TC, Curtis LM, Webb JA, Bailey SC, Shrank WH, Lindquist L, Ruo B, Bocchini MV, Parker RM.... (2011) Effect of standardized, patient-centered label instructions to improve comprehension of prescription drug use. Medical care, 49(1), 96-100. PMID: 21150800
Alexander Riegler, MPH, EMPH, BSc.
Lilienthalgasse 14/1
8020 Graz
Tel.: +43 664 423 36 24
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