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Health Literacy Online: A Guide to Writing and Designing Easy-to-Use Health Web Sites The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) has written a research-based how-to guide for creating health Web sites and Web content for the millions of Americans with limited literacy skills and limited experience using the Web.
Health Literacy Online Supplement: A Guide To Hosting a Twitter Chat The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) has developed a guide for organizations interested in hosting a Twitter chat. The guide draws from @healthfinder’s success hosting regular Twitter chats. Use the guide to choose a chat topic, create a moderator’s guide, and promote the chat to Twitter users.
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Eine weitere Literaturempfehlung:
Diese Links wurden von @Hlth_Literacy empfohlen.
Alexander Riegler, MPH, EMPH, BSc.
Lilienthalgasse 14/1
8020 Graz
Tel.: +43 664 423 36 24
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